Monday, December 30, 2013

The Sun amongst the Star Signs

Havelock Ellis once said, "The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands." I guess you could say that we have manipulated the universe for ourselves. We use the natural phenomena to explain our behavior and future in the form of astrology. There are two types of astrology: one associated with the sun, the other associated with the moon. The two differentiate when it comes to solar or lunar eclipses. However these two are related. There are 12 lunar signs in one sun sign. The twelve sun signs are the zodiac signs. The solar and lunar cycles also impact one's horoscope. Each sun sign or zodiac has a ruling plant and a certain element of which they are part of. This is interesting because the elements are what people believed the heavens were made of before the Scientific Revolution: Earth, fire, water and air. Each sign has a specific constellation that it is associated with.  For  example, Capricorn's constellation is Capricornus. Each sign also has a number relevant to its location to the sun like a clock. I think it's fascinating how the ancient ideas of the heavens and modern astronomy can be combined to claim influence on one's life. At times, this idea of astrology can be totally bizarre or totally accurate; to be honest, I believe in astrology, but only to a certain extent. Is it a matter of psychology? Is it superstition? Does it really affect our lives? How can we explain what the ancient Greeks believed when they formulated this science of astrology? 

Check out this video on astrology facts:

Every two thousand years the tilt and the wobble of the Earth causes the Sun to be in the next zodiac sign for the same date. The ancient Greeks introduced astrology thousands of years ago; for example the summer solstice i.e. June 23rd was in Gemini two thousand years ago but now it is in Taurus. Likewise, if your horoscope is not quite an accurate reflection, perhaps you should check the previous sign.    

And check out this video on constellations:

What do these constellations really mean? How do these signs reflect ourselves? Which star signs are the most compatible? What is the symbolism behind each sign? Stay tuned for more! 


  1. Great idea!!! Destiny is in genes and genes are mapped by stars. Very interesting..........try reading Linda Goodman's Sun Signs and Moon Signs.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion! I'll definitely check it out!

  2. Heh, do you know who decides your stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
